DD&F Valuation Group
What is it worth?
DD&F has the leadership and expertise to provide sound, fact-based financial and valuation analysis for your financial institution that will provide your board and management team with an independent assessment of value. With our unique expertise, DD&F Valuation Group, LLC provides the following services:
DDF has been
consistently ranked
among the top
financial advisors
in the U.S.
– S&P Global Market Intelligence
Valuations require a thorough understanding of current and changing valuation methodology and accounting standards, and an expertise in how to correctly evaluate your current financial position. DD&F Valuation Group, LLC has the professional expertise to assess all aspects involved in a valuation including the financial position of your company, merger targets, and assets being purchased. The professionals at DD&F Valuation Group are accredited by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) as Certified Valuation Analysts (CVA) and have post-graduate degrees.
For more information, contact Bob Fegtly at
(501) 374-2600 or bfegtly@ddfconsulting.com
“We have utilized DD&F for several engagements relating to mergers and acquisitions as well as strategic planning. Having been in the bank audit and consulting business for 25 years, I can say that DD&F’s capabilities and experience are comparable with a firm much larger than them. They have definitely helped make our success possible.”
– Bill McDonald, Chairman & CEO, Greenwoods State Bank