Guided by Principles
Times change. Trends come and go. 30 years in, our mission – to make our clients successful – stands firm.
Founded on the principles of integrity, honesty, fairness and a desire for good stewardship of our skills and expertise, DD&F has built a team of seasoned experts in expansionary, strategic, bank performance and risk management services. And with hundreds of clients across the country, big and small, banks, thrifts, credit unions, regional and community, state and national, investor groups and attorneys, we earn your trust and confidence every day because we are guided by principles. We want to leave banking better than we found it.
When we opened our doors in 1993, the managing partners had been serving the banking industry since 1978, giving them plenty of time to form their opinions of the best business practices. The partners recognized that DD&F’s values would be reflected in more than just how they conducted business: They would be the driving force behind the people we hired, the way we chose to grow and our corporate culture.
Confidentiality is nonnegotiable. We work hard to earn and keep your trust.
We will always treat you fairly with honesty and transparency. We may not be the low cost provider, but we are the provider of the most value.
Servant leadership.
We measure success a little differently than most. It’s not about DD&F, but about how well we serve our clients. And each other. After all, a leader is only as good as the sacrifices he is willing to make for others. So at DD&F, regardless of position or title, everyone does what’s necessary to produce the best result.
Financial Responsibility.
We practice what we preach. We encourage sound financial principles in our employees and seek to be an example to them and to our clients in all of our business transactions.
As Ben Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” We know there is always more we can learn, so we set the stage with professional challenges, educational opportunities and a discussion of ideas which mold us into better consultants and advisors.
We work hard, but we never lose sight of our most treasured assets: our families. We understand the value of balancing work with family, church and the other things that make us who we are.
In 1993, out of the ashes of the S&L crisis, DD&F Consulting Group was formed. Randy Dennis, Bob Fegtly and Bill DaBoll saw opportunities for the world of community banking where others saw mayhem and mess. They each applied their particular areas of expertise to the task of strengthening the banking industry one bank at a time.
Recognizing that successful banking depends on a blend of growth, performance and security, our consulting services fall into three main areas: Expansionary, Performance/Operations and Risk Management. We offer a unique, customized, one-stop approach for all types of financial institutions as well as the professionals who serve them. As a result, DD&F has been consistently ranked among the top M&A advisors in the nation by S&P Global Market Intelligence.
A great brand not only captures a person’s attention, it embodies the essence of a company, and begins to form an authentic relationship. Because we want all of our relationships to be authentic, it was important that our company logo be built on the foundation of who we are.
The Cross
Our company values are not meant for a motivational poster in the breakroom, they guide us every day. We believe all companies should strategically define their core values, and integrate those values into everything they do. This shared vision keeps everyone rowing in the same direction.
The Column
Sure, many banks don’t have large columns anymore, but they remain an iconic symbol of the industry’s strength and integrity.
The Color Change
They say nothing is constant except change, and this is especially true of our industry. The ability to adapt and grow – while remaining true to our basic principles – is something we value, and something our clients rely on us to do.
“An award is not the goal—continuous improvement and a commitment to excellence and the success of our clients and employees are the real end game. The true value of this award will be what we do at the office tomorrow morning, and the day after that, and the day after that. On every project, for every client.”
– Randy Dennis, President
In 2016, the Arkansas Institute for Performance Excellence awarded DD&F with the Arkansas Governor’s Quality Award based on the Malcolm Baldrige criteria: Leadership, Strategy, Customers, Measurement/Analysis/Knowledge Management, Workforce, Operations and Results.