Strategic & Capital Planning

No matter what’s happening in the financial world or in the world-world, we’re here to make your life easier. Let’s talk.


If you aim at nothing, you will most certainly achieve it. This is true in banking. And life.

Decide where you want to go and make a plan to get there. Our history in the banking industry has taught us that success depends on a blend of three main components:

Growth. Performance. Security. GPS. It’s no coincidence that these three letters are synonymous with navigational positioning because when you take time to craft a sound strategic plan for each of those three areas, you will truly be well positioned for success.

Sailboat illustrating how DD&F Strategic & Capital Planning can help you steer your bank in the right direction

Growth Planning

  • Should we be a buyer or seller?

  • How can we enhance shareholder value?

  • What is the value of our organization?

  • How will industry changes affect us?

  • SWOT?

  • What is our long term goal?

  • What short term goals should we set?

  • How can we be held accountable for the goals we set?

  • How can our board be more effective?

Performance Planning

  • ERM assessment

  • Are we managing our credit portfolio optimally?

  • Where are we vulnerable?

  • What is our IT strategy?

  • Internal audit services?

  • IT audits?

  • Compliance status?

  • Do we have a business continuity plan?

Security Planning

  • What is our capitalization plan?

  • How are we doing operationally?

  • What processes need improvement?

  • Do we have a marketing strategy?

  • What’s the state of our vendor relationships?

  • What technology plan do we have?

  • How is our customer service?

  • Should we consider re-branding?

Effective strategic planning should absolutely consider all three aspects. An unbalanced plan will hold up no better than a lopsided tripod. So when you’re ready to set your course, we are here to provide GPS guidance. We help your board and management consider the important issues and ask the right questions.

“DD&F has been invaluable to Generations Bank as we have grown over 30% the last 2 ½ years. Randy and his team helped with a total rebrand of our bank in 2016 and have been instrumental in assisting with Strategic Planning sessions as we have managed our way through this growth cycle. They are certainly the first company we contact as we continue to navigate today’s world of Community Banking.”

– John Harrell, Chairman, Generations Bank

Generations Bank Arkansas

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